Revolutionising concrete construction

Design and deliver low-carbon concrete products for infrastructure and industrial projects

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An excellent solution that not only delivers superior results but also offers significant savings in terms of both cost and time.

Significant cost savings
lead times
Low-carbon solution
Health & Safety first
Code compliant products
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We truly make a difference

Hyperion is on a mission to help our clients reach their ambitious net zero goals. At the core of what we do, we promote sustainability and circularity in all of our products and services.

up to


Lead time saved

up to


Less material used

up to


Less CO2 produced

Building optimiSed structures

Our sustainable and reinforced concrete structures are an excellent choice for a wide variety of projects. We are experienced in making concrete structures for a wide variety of needs.


Foundations for electrical substations, manholes and inspection chambers


Silos, water tanks and waste treatment facilities

Industrial projects

Sound barriers, trench systems for pipelines and pits

Civil infrastructure

Sound barrier along trafficked roads, soil retaining structures


Water TankS

Mass customised, fully reinforced tank of cylindrical shape and tested structural stability.


Optimised block foundation of less material, utilizing the excavated soil and easy installation.


Hyperion's award-winning draw pits have been developed to provide an environmentally sustainable alternative to traditional precast and in-situ concrete chambers


A fit for demanding underground situation and ideal for efficient transport and installation on site.

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01. Water Tank
02. Foundation
04. Trenches
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Drawpits for Yorkshire Waste Water Plant

We have teamed up with Tarmac, Mott MacDonald Bentley | MMB and Yorkshire Water to deliver four unique drawpits for Yorkshire Water’s largest sewage treatment works in Esholt, near Leeds.

Onsite production of low-carbon foundations

Our first operational 3D printing Micro-Factory, installed on Peikko site. In four days, we have 3D printed 15 fully reinforced, optimized pad foundations of three different sizes.

Low-carbon staircase EU project

Hyperion Robotics collaboration with IAAC resulted in a successful design and 3D printing of a highly parametric slope stair using 95% recycled mortar mix – Hyperion Geo-Mix.

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Drawpits for Yorkshire Waste Water Plant

We have teamed up with Tarmac, Mott MacDonald Bentley | MMB and Yorkshire Water to deliver four unique drawpits for Yorkshire Water’s largest sewage treatment works in Esholt, near Leeds.

Onsite production of low-carbon foundations

Our first operational 3D printing Micro-Factory, installed on Peikko site. In four days, we have 3D printed 15 fully reinforced, optimized pad foundations of three different sizes.

Low-carbon staircase EU project

Hyperion Robotics collaboration with IAAC resulted in a successful design and 3D printing of a highly parametric slope stair using 95% recycled mortar mix – Hyperion Geo-Mix.

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